Wednesday, December 19, 2012

cAPPture some color

It seems that every other day one of my kids is telling me about some APP for my IPhone that I absolutely must have. They usually involve racing motorcycles or killing zombies... not really my thing, but I appreciate the thought. Today, I found an App that I can really get into. It's called Color CAPPture and IT IS AWESOME!!!
With this free app you can snap a picture of anything that inspires you, whether it's a flower garden or an ape at the zoo, and all you have to do is tap the picture to find out the Benjamin Moore paint that will match that particular color.

Could this be any cooler?! I've been snapping pictures all around the store and office and I am having so much fun. Think of the possibilities... sunrise, sunset, maybe even the color of a wall in a public place or some one's house that you visit, the beach, a sweater... you can literally get a color read on ANYTHING!

He he... I did say anything!

Another cool feature is the "retail locator" button in the lower right hand corner. No need to wonder where you can find Benjamin Moore's superior products, just tap and you will know! Of course, if you're in Central Massachusetts, the place to get your Benjamin Moore paint is always Economy Paint Supply. Come on down and see us and we'll make sure you get the best customer service out there. Don't wander the big box stores trying to figure out what kind of paint, what type of finish, and how much you'll need for your space. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff will walk you through the whole process and make sure you're getting the right products for your project.
So, go ahead and check it out! I downloaded the app right from my phone, but you can get the app from the Benjamin Moore site as well.

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